最適な用途: ボート愛好家
家族経営の、そして家族向けのテーバーインアンドスイーツは、ミスティックの多くのB&Bや旅館の中で際立っています。 2エーカー以上の12棟の建物内にあるインは、村のすべてのアトラクションに近い便利な場所にあり、ミスティックのダウンタウンで唯一の屋内プールを備えています。

最適な用途: バーボン愛好家
「アメリカで最も美しい小さな町」の愛称で呼ばれるこの古いステージコーチの停留所は、南部のスタイルとおもてなしで休日の精神に入り、国内で最高のクリスマスの町の1つになっています。ライトアップバーズタウンは、メインストリートと町のクリスマスツリーのイルミネーションと、ホットココア、クッキー、風船、子供向けのフェイスペインティングが用意された「クリスマスコーナー」でシーズンを開始します。 12月中は、クラシックソングにインスピレーションを与えたと言われる1818年の邸宅、マイオールドケンタッキーの家を訪れて、休日に飾られているのを見てください。植民地時代からビクトリア朝時代、1920年代にかけて装飾された部屋を眺めながら、衣装を着たパフォーマーが歌を歌います。彼らはまた、ディケンズの古典的な物語に基づいて、「古いケンタッキーのクリスマスキャロル」を演じます。さらに、町ではパレード、「ノースポールエクスプレス」の電車の乗り物、キャンドルライトのクリスマスツアーが開催されます。この地域のバーボン蒸留所での季節のイベントは、バーズタウンの多くの休日の出来事に大人のお祝いを追加します。
バーズタウンのダウンタウンの中心部に位置する1819年頃の刑務所に変わったホテルであるJailer’s InnBedandBreakfastに滞在して時間を遡ります。ほとんどの客室はモダンで快適ですが、古い独房のツアーに参加したり、1つの独房に滞在したりすることもできます。
最適 :サンタキッチュ
最適 :無料イベント
最適な用途: 本物の旧世界のクリスマス
このバイエルン風の町は、必ずしも旧世界のように見えるとは限りませんでした。実際には、以前は西部開拓時代でした。 1960年代、長い間衰退した後、かつての伐採地は高山の風景に影響されたイメージチェンジを計画しました。オーバーホールが完了すると、訪問者を引き付けるために新しいフェスティバルが作成され、レブンワースはゆっくりと必見の休暇の目的地に成長しました。 12月中、「クリスマスタウンの光の村」では、キャロル、子供向けのアクティビティ、焼き栗、ホリデーキャラクターが登場します。美しく照らされた店先とガゼボでの音楽演奏は、古典的なクリスマスシーンを完成させます。自分でDIYのクリスマスデコレーションを作成するように促されることもあります。
最適 :クリスマスの「北極」コテージ
最もかわいいホールマークのクリスマス映画の1つがそこで撮影されたとき、その町はクリスマスに値するものです。 私のクリスマスの愛 見事なワサッチ山脈の影の下にあるこのかつての鉄道ハブで、歴史的な25番街で部分的に撃たれました。しかし、この町は、北極でのサンタのワークショップをモデルにした、エルフにぴったりの小さなコテージのコレクションであるクリスマスビレッジでも知られています。訪問者は、冬のワンダーランドのような環境をさまよいながら、各コテージのホリデーディスプレイとライトに驚嘆することができます。シーズンのグランドオープニングは、電灯パレードに続きます。ダウンタウンから20分、毎年450インチの雪が降る3つのスキーリゾートで冬のアウトドアアクティビティをお楽しみください。
最適な用途: ライブミュージックショー
ジュディガーランドは、古典的なホリデーフリックで「ハヴユアセルフアメリーリトルクリスマス」を歌った可能性があります。若草の頃 (補足:ジュディの元のバージョンは間違いなくホリデープレイリストに含まれています)が、その都市はクリスマスの時期に別のミズーリの町に勝る可能性があります。ブランソンの観光のホットスポットである「アメリカのクリスマスツリーシティ」は、町で有名なライブ音楽ショーで一年中祝います。さらに、ライトディスプレイ、パレード、ブランソンシーニックレイルウェイのポーラーエクスプレストレインライドがオザークマウンテンを通り、町の1905年の列車基地から出発します。 1880年代をテーマにした公園、シルバーダラーシティでは、昔のクリスマスフェスティバルのホリデートリートメントも受けられます。
最適な用途: ビクトリア朝の建築
最適 :大都市のクリスマス
OK、ニューヨーク市は伝統的な意味での「町」ではないことを私たちは知っています。しかし、それなしでは、アメリカで訪れるクリスマスの場所のリストは完全ではありません。結局のところ、ニューヨークのクリスマススピリットに勝るものはありません。ロックフェラーセンターツリーの本拠地であり、三十四丁目の奇跡のクリスマス映画がたくさんあります。 to Elf 。フィフスアベニューを歩いて、素晴らしいデパートのウィンドウディスプレイをご覧ください。セントラルパークでアイススケートに行きます。ブライアントパークのバンクオブアメリカウィンタービレッジにあるホリデーショップを訪れてください。 くるみ割り人形のパフォーマンスを取り入れましょう バレエ。
最適な用途: ルミナリアの展示
多くのニューメキシコの町は、数百年前のスペインのルミナリアの伝統(ファロリトスとも呼ばれます)に従っています。 )、クリスマスの時期に通りを象徴的に照らすキャンドルが入った紙袋。しかし、北の高い砂漠にあるタオスの小さな町のクリスマスほど興味をそそる練習はどこにもありません。ヒスパニック、西洋、ネイティブアメリカンの文化の融合は、町の日干しレンガの建物の中で焚き火、フィエスタ、ニューメキシコ料理、地元の民芸品を使った1か月にわたるユレタイドのお祝いで証明されています。クリスマスイブには、地元のスキーリゾートすべてにトーチライトパレードがあり、観客はフレアを持ってスキーヤーが山を下って来るのを見ることができます。これは、家族が大好きなクリスマスイブの伝統の1つです。
最適な用途: 照らされたクリスマスのセットピース
おそらく、 Steel Magnoliasのインスピレーションと撮影場所として最もよく知られています。 、ナキトッシュ(ナッキトッシュと発音)は本当にクレオールのクリスマスの精神に入ります。映画のホリデーフェスティバルは実際には8月に撮影されましたが、イベントは本物で、映画のように花火、光の祭典のパレード、さらにはミスメリークリスマスも含まれています。今年で95年目を迎えるこの季節のお祝いには、30万個のライトと100個のセットピース、音楽、ライト付きのボートパレード、家のクリスマスツアー、キッズフェストがあります。
最適な用途: アメリカのメインストリートのクリスマス
最適な用途: 川沿いの散歩
最適な用途: クリスマスストーリーのファン
クリーブランドのダウンタウンではたくさんのホリデーイベントが開催されていますが、控えめなトレモント地区を訪れることをお勧めします。なんで? クリスマスストーリーの本拠地です ハウス、1983年の古典的な映画の撮影に使用された元の家。映画のスーパーファンによってインテリアセットに合わせて復元され(家の外壁のみが撮影に使用されました)、現在はラルフィーの家のレプリカに近いものになっています。そして、これがあなたが知らなかったに違いない、さらに多くのことです。クリスマスストーリー :家に一晩滞在することも、隣のバンパスハウスに滞在することもできます。映画の小道具、衣装、記念品については、通りの向かいにある博物館を訪れてください。次に、ダウンタウンでホリデーミュージカルパフォーマンス、ウィンターフェストイベント、パブリックスクエアへの訪問に向かいます。ここでは、ヒグビーのデパートビル(ラルフィーが最初にレッドライダーBBガンを見つけ、後にサンタとの付き合いがあります)がまだ立っています。
最適な用途: オーロラ鑑賞
さて、それは実際の北極ではないかもしれませんが、それは実際のクリスマスの町に最も近いです。しかし、サンタの北極圏の住居にちなんで名付けられたフェアバンクスの近くのこの村は、確かにその名前の由来を楽しんでいます。街全体が一年中クリスマスに向けてドレスアップしたままですが、休日は特に魔法のような時間です。冬にはさらに良い運命の1つです。サンタクロースハウスは、1つの大きな巨大なクリスマスショップのようなものです。さらに、トナカイの農場とサンタ自身の巨大な像があります。 Snowman Lane、Holiday Road、SaintNicholasDriveなどの名前で通りを旅します。次に、地元の郵便局からクリスマスカードを郵送して、ノースポールの消印を取得してください。お子様は、アラスカ州ノースポールのサンタさんに手紙を送ったり、返信を受け取ったりすることもできます。
最適な用途: パイオニアクリスマススピリット

最適な用途: クリスマスライトフォレスト
この歴史的なオザーク山の村は、昔ながらの方法でクリスマスを祝います。その魅力的なダウンタウンのショッピング地区には、ユニークなギフトのためのユニークなブティック、アートギャラリー、工芸品店があります。イベントには、クリスマスパレードオブライト、300本以上の木々のドライブスルーフォレスト、高さ67フィートのオザークスのキリスト像につながる自然のシーンが含まれます。 1886年のクレセントホテルは、15エーカーの敷地にライトアップされたアーバーの独自のクリスマスツリーフォレスト、そり乗り、アイススケート、キャンプファイヤーの周りのスモアなどを備えた、クリスマスアットザクレセントでホリデー気分を盛り上げます。
最適 :スキー休暇
コロラド州の山間の村は新鮮な雪に覆われており、アスペンやブリッケンリッジからテルライド、デュランゴ、ユーレイまで、最高のクリスマスタウンのシェアを超えています。しかし、私たちはシーズンを祝うためにたくさんのイベントがあるベイルのスキータウンが一番好きです。 Vail Snow Daysが、4日間のライブミュージックフェスティバルで帰ってきました。その他のホリデーイベントには、木の照明やランタンウォークがあります。もちろん、スキーに加えて、スノーシューイング、屋外アイススケート、近くでの犬のそりやスノーモービルなど、たくさんの雪のアクティビティもあります。
最適な用途: ノーマンロックウェルのクリスマス

最適 :ディケンジアンの雰囲気
最適な用途: まばゆいばかりのライトが表示されます
最適な用途: バイエルンのクリスマス

最適な用途: 温暖な気候のクリスマス休暇の目的地
最適な用途: 休日の花火
多くの19世紀の建物、ベッド&ブレックファースト、アンティークショップがあるガリーナは、昔ながらの小さな町のクリスマスにぴったりの居心地の良い場所です。イリノイ州北部の雪に覆われた農地に囲まれたこの町の魅力的なメインストリートは、今シーズンのすべてを飾り立てます。お祭りは、ガリナ川に花火が打ち上げられる「ホリデーファイアインザスカイ」から始まります。 「ルミナリオと生きている窓の夜」では、通り、階段、歩道に沿って5,000本のキャンドルをご覧ください。店先では、素晴らしいウィンドウディスプレイが披露され、長時間営業しています。飲み騒ぐ人は、グラントパークの望楼から最高のクリスマスソングを歌うキャロルを楽しむこともできます。
ガリーナには設備の整ったB&Bがたくさんありますが、Aldrich Guest Houseは、グラントパークからわずか数ブロックの素晴らしいロケーション、おいしい朝食、快適な客室で際立っています。エレガントでありながらシンプルな装飾が施されているため、人ごみから離れた居心地の良い休暇を過ごすのに最適な場所です。

最適な用途: 中西部の休暇
最適な用途: 伝統的なスウェーデンのお祝い
「リトルスウェーデン」として知られるこの町は、スウェーデンの伝統を鮮やかな色の建築物、ダラスと呼ばれるスウェーデンの馬の彫刻に取り入れています。 —そしてもちろん、そのクリスマスのお祝い。世界中の魅力的な冬至の伝統の1つである聖ルチア祭は、飢饉の最中に光と食べ物を持ってスカンジナビアにやってきたルチアの伝説を称えています。赤いサッシとリンゴンベリーの冠が付いた白いガウンを身に着けた若い女性は、暗い冬至の生活を象徴するためにstjärngosse(スターボーイ)と一緒にパレードします。 Traditional Swedish services of Julotta (Christmas morning) and Annandag Jule (the day after Christmas), plus a Juletide concert, are also part of the Scandanavian holiday festivities.
The candy-colored Rosberg House bed and breakfast looks just like a gingerbread house. And the lush decor inside—not to mention the delectable breakfasts—are just as sweet. It’s also conveniently located in the center of town in walking distance of art galleries, shops, and restaurants.
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Annapolis, Maryland
Best for :Extended shopping
The historic seaport looks picture-perfect at holiday time. See the lighting of trees during the city’s Grand Illumination. Drive through Lights on the Bay in Sandy Point State Park to view illuminated displays along the Chesapeake Bay. Downtown shops will stay open for Midnight Madness so you can get your gift-giving on, and the Chocolate Binge Festival offers delectable treats along with music and entertainment. Hear the traditional gathering of the U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club and the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra for the singing of Handel’s Messiah. Finally, the Eastport Yacht Club Light Parade features dozens of lit-up vessels sailing through the harbor.
Comprising three separate historic buildings, the Historic Inns of Annapolis stands out for its distinctive character and prime central location. Just step outside your door to find all the holiday shopping and events the town has to offer.
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Solvang, California
最適な用途: A hygge-inspired holiday
Visiting this captivating Christmas town north of Santa Barbara at holiday time will have you thinking you’ve been transported to the Old World. Founded by settlers from Denmark, the village features architecture (including a windmill!), restaurants, and goodies that are distinctively Danish—not to mention that warm and cozy sensibility the Danish call “hygge,” one of the top Christmas traditions to steal from around the world. In December, Solvang goes all-out for its Julefest, featuring downtown candlelit caroling tours, Santa’s village, parade, and tree lighting. The festival also takes visitors on a “Nisse adventure” scavenger hunt to find these Danish gnome-like creatures throughout the downtown. Cap off the celebrations with a tree burn supervised by the Santa Barbara County Fire Department.
The area is teeming with luxury resorts that can be very pricey around the holidays, but Royal Copenhagen Hotel offers a reasonable alternative. Located right in the center of Solvang, the traditional inn features Danish architecture and charm.
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Frankenmuth, Michigan
Best for :A traditional German Christmas
True, this town is home to the world’s largest Christmas-themed store, Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland. But that’s not the only reason Frankenmuth makes it onto our list of the best Christmas towns. Settled by German immigrants, “Little Bavaria” looks like you’ve stepped right into a fairy tale—and is magical at holiday time. Horse-drawn carriages clip-clop past quaint boutiques, German-influenced architecture, and 150 trees decorated with white lights. In the center of it all stands a 40-foot tree decked in red and green lights—the Christmas colors, of course—complete with an illumination and music show. Visit reindeer at a local farm, go ice skating in the new outdoor rink, or peruse the traditional German Christkindlmarkt.
Where else would one stay in Little Bavaria than the German-inspired Bavarian Inn Lodge? The town’s signature hotel has been delighting visitors for decades, and for good reason, as you’ll really feel you’ve been transported to Europe.
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Stillwater, Minnesota
最適な用途: A white Christmas
With some areas of Minnesota having a near 100-percent chance of a white Christmas, it’s hard to narrow down the best holiday-worthy town in the area. But Stillwater, the state’s historic birthplace near Minneapolis, has been called one of America’s most picturesque towns, and it’s especially enchanting at holiday time. This river village’s Hometown Holiday event runs throughout the season, with its many boutiques, restaurants, and other establishments luring visitors with wagonette carriage rides and Victorian carolers. Musical and stage performances, a holiday bazaar at the old courthouse, a fun Twinkle Party in which guests are encouraged to adorn themselves with battery-powered lights, and many more events round out the festivities.
Stay downtown at the 1927 Lowell Inn for close proximity to everything happening in Stillwater. Offering both Victorian-themed and modern rooms, the hotel also hosts Holiday Tea weekends in December.
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Canton, Mississippi
Best for :Children’s activities
This sleepy Southern town comes alive during the holidays, when thousands of twinkling lights illuminate the town’s historic Courthouse Square in its “City of Lights” Christmas festival, now in its 31st year. The season’s events are especially magical for kids, as they listen to storytime with Mrs. Claus and give Santa their wish list. Youngsters can also enjoy roaming characters, animated holiday displays, and rides including a gorgeous carousel that makes viewing the lights all the more beautiful as you twirl.
Most lodgings in Canton are chain hotels just outside of the main part of town, where you can retire after enjoying the holiday festivities. Hampton Inn Canton offers the comforts the brand is known for, at a comfortable price as well.
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Bigfork, Montana
Best for :A mountain escape
The mountains of Montana look even more magical at Christmastime. Thanks to the volunteer “elves” of the artsy town of Bigfork on the shores of Flathead Lake, “Montana’s Christmas Village” gets a holiday makeover featuring evergreen garlands strewn over the businesses of downtown. Come for winter activities like downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, dog sledding, sleigh rides, ice fishing, and the nearby Glacier National Park. Then stay for a holiday art walk, tree lighting, parade, and performances of A Touch of Christmas holiday music and other seasonal shows at Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts.
After outdoor winter fun or holiday cultural activities, retreat to the quiet Bigfork Mountain Lake Lodge to cozy up by the fireplace or relax in the jacuzzi. Even more gorgeous covered in snow (which it’s likely to be in December), the hotel boasts views overlooking Flathead Lake.
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Minden, Nebraska
Best for :Local history and tradition
This is a very small town with a big history. The traditions of “Nebraska’s Christmas City” began over a hundred years ago in 1915, when lights were strung on the courthouse dome to honor the arrival of the Civil War veterans’ organization Grand Army of the Republic. Today, city workers scale the courthouse dome using mountain climbing gear to hang the copper wires, many of which are over 50 years old. The unique celebration continues with The Light of the World Christmas pageant, written by town residents in 1946. Other events include a kids carnival, Miss Christmas City pageant, elf run, and more. If you’re inspired by Minden’s illuminations, you should use the best outdoor Christmas lights for your neighborhood display (maybe skip the climbing gear, though).
Minden’s remote location leaves few lodging options, but Burchell’s White Hill Farmhouse Inn, a small, locally-run B&B, is a rare find for those looking for some warm country hospitality. This peaceful setting will truly make your Christmas Eve a “silent night.”
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Jackson, Wyoming
最適な用途: Animal lovers
Where else can you take sleigh rides to see elk? This mountain town is surrounded by ski resorts, Grand Teton National Park, and the National Elk Refuge, where you can take a sleigh ride to view the aforementioned animals. Downtown, thousands of lights will illuminate the famous elk antler arches, and children can leave a letter for Santa in his mailbox. Santa will also “drop in” from the aerial tram on Christmas Eve. Resorts and hotels throughout the area also offer their own seasonal festivities as well.
For an affordable place to stay in this expensive ski town, try the Elk Country Inn. Rustic yet comfortable, the log cabin-themed accommodations are within walking distance of the antler arches.
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Virginia City, Nevada
最適な用途: A cowboy-themed Christmas
This Old West mining town takes visitors back to frontier times with its month-long Christmas on the Comstock Victorian-inspired celebration. Stroll through the decorated historic downtown, watch the holiday parade, light show, and fireworks, and take the young ones for a ride on a steam train decorated with thousands of lights. Adults can enjoy the “Grinch Made Me Do It” saloon crawl. Seasonal entertainment at the historic Piper’s Opera House includes the Comstock Cowboys’ Christmas in the Sierra and more winter performances.
The spacious Victorian-style rooms of Silverland Inn and Suites continue the Old West theme of Virginia City in the heart of town. Lovely views overlook the desert hills—you may even get a visit from some of Nevada’s wild horses.
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Portsmouth, New Hampshire
最適な用途: A quintessential New England Christmas
Complete with snowy scenes and covered bridges, New Hampshire’s villages offer the classic Christmas of your dreams. The best of these Christmas towns, though, may be Portsmouth and its Vintage Christmas, which offers a gingerbread house decorating contest, holiday lights parade, musical shows, and beautifully decked out Market Square; while the waterfront living history museum Strawbery Banke features a Candlelight Stroll among decorated historic buildings and outdoor ice-skating.
The Hotel Portsmouth, in walking distance of the town’s holiday happenings, offers elegant yet simple luxury at reasonable prices in an 1881 Victorian mansion. Claw-foot tubs and fireplaces add to the cozy ambiance.
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Seneca Falls, New York
Best for :Old movie buffs
Notable as the birthplace of the women’s rights movement, Seneca Falls is also said to be the inspiration for Bedford Falls in one of the best Christmas movies of all time, the 1946 classic It’s a Wonderful Life 。 All season long, you can marvel at the town’s similarities to the film, and even visit an identical steel bridge to the one where George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) contemplates his life. If you’re lucky enough to visit during December’s It’s a Wonderful Life Festival, you can also meet former child actors from the movie, including Zuzu herself, Karolyn Grimes. Musical performances, film history, exhibits, fireworks, and a bonfire, drinks and dining events, and the live radio play Merry Christmas, George Bailey are also part of the holiday fun in one of the best Christmas towns in the country.
The town and all its holiday happenings are totally walkable with a stay at the Gould Hotel. The 1920s hotel features richly decorated rooms in a historic building.
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McAdenville, North Carolina
Best for :Neighborhood Christmas lights
One of the best small towns in America for Christmas lights, McAdenville, aka “Christmas Town USA,” features 100 decorated homes, plus 265 evergreen trees illuminated with 500,000 colored lights. The town gets 600,000 visitors in December to see the lights by car and on foot, as some roads are closed off to traffic. One lucky elementary student is chosen to flip the switch at the start of the season; then the luminaries go on nightly throughout the month. Visitors can also enjoy the Yule Log Ceremony and the Annual Christmas Town Festival.
After your excursion to McAdenville, drive a few minutes down the road to the charming town of Gastonia and the revamped Esquire Hotel, in a 1918 bank that eventually housed lawyer’s offices—hence the next of its eatery, Barrister’s Restaurant. The boutique hotel’s decor is top-notch, and be sure to check out the cool rooftop lounge.
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Garrison, North Dakota
Best for :Victorian cosplay
For three weekends during the holiday season, the “Christmas Capital of North Dakota” transforms into a Victorian village with its Dickens Village Festival, which has been drawing crowds to the small town Christmas on the shores of Lake Sakakawea since 1994. Get dressed in your finest period gear (or a street urchin costume will do) for unique events like a fruitcake toss, quilt show, street carolers, double-decker “Queen Elizabus” rides, top hat decorating, and Fezziwig’s Feast. The fun culminates in performances of a play adaptation of A Christmas Carol 。
Accommodations in this small town are hard to come by, but visitors can enjoy a relaxing winter retreat by renting a lakefront vacation home with amazing views. You can even enjoy ice fishing right outside your door.
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Best for :Arts and culture scene
The vibrant cultural community of OKC steps into Christmas with its Downtown in December month-long celebration, which includes the gorgeous illuminations of Lights on Broadway in the historic Automobile Alley. Enjoy window displays, sidewalk events including live music, balloon art, and pop-up shops. Outdoor ice-skating, snow tubing at Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark, a Santa run, performances of classical music and The Nutcracker ballet, and many more events are scheduled. Also check out Treefest at the Red Earth Art Center, in which Native American tribes across the state create ornaments and other artwork that represents their culture.
In keeping with the city’s artsy vibe, stay at the 21c Museum Hotel. With funky, modern decor—along with an actual art museum—housed in a historic Ford Model T assembly plant just a five-minute walk to Film Row, this is one of the most unique places to spend your Christmas holiday.
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Jacksonville, Oregon
最適な用途: Restaurants and wine
This gold rush town rushes headfirst into the holiday season with its Victorian Christmas celebration. During December, Jacksonville’s National Historic District is draped in greenery and twinkling lights as visitors take in the seasonal beauty and enjoy the Victorian Christmas parade, tree lighting, caroling, musical performances, and visits with Father Christmas. Shoppers make their way among charming boutiques, outstanding restaurants, and antique stores. Holiday tours of the 1873 Beekman House, home of a wealthy pioneer family, are also offered, along with tastings in the many wineries of southern Oregon’s wine country.
Stay right downtown at the Jacksonville Inn, which dates from 1861 and features an award-winning restaurant and wine shop with an abundant selection. The lush accommodations reflect the historic elegance of the town, which is on full display during the holidays.
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Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
最適な用途: The top Christkindlmarkt
Nicknamed “Christmas City,” the official moniker for this town was designated as Bethlehem on Christmas Eve 1741. At the town’s famous Christkindlmarkt, which features unique artisans, music, crafts, food, and handmade gifts from Germany, you’ll find the best Christmas gifts for everyone on your list. But even beyond the awesome shopping, the town overflows with Christmas spirit. Take a Bethlehem by Night bus tour, carriage ride, or walking Christmas Stroll; enjoy a wassail party, a concert, or a stage show; and see the decorated Trees of Historic Bethlehem, set among five historic sites.
Stay at the restored 1922 Historic Hotel Bethlehem in the town’s historic district for easy walkability to many holiday events. The well-appointed hotel actually sits on the site where the early settlers named the town on Christmas Eve all those years ago; a mural painted in 1937 on the hotel wall depicts the event, as well as more town history.
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Newport, Rhode Island
最適な用途: A romantic couples’ getaway
See how the Gilded Age’s upper crest celebrated the season when visiting the Newport mansions all dressed up for the holidays. Christmas trees, evergreens, wreaths, and poinsettias (including a 15 foot-tall poinsettia “tree”) adorn The Breakers, The Elms, and Marble House. View them in candlelight for a holiday evening out as well; guests can even splurge for a black-tie Holiday Dinner Dance at the Breakers. For the second year, the Sparkling Lights at the Breakers event will show off the grounds of the estate with tens of thousands of colored lights, with different themes in the gardens and holiday music airing throughout. The experiential “Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff” has the audience moving with the dancers throughout the mansion, as if you’re part of the story. The charming town of Newport has many holiday events as well, with unique shops, tree lighting, musical performances, and festive fare at restaurants.
Affordable accommodations in the tony town of Newport are hard to come by, but Beech Tree Inn and Cottage offer a reasonably priced B&B without sacrificing visitors’ comfort. This quiet and cozy inn is the perfect spot to retreat after a busy day of holiday merry-making.
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Charleston, South Carolina
Best for :History buffs
Low-country Southern history and hospitality come alive during the holidays when this stunning city becomes even more beautiful. Visit the illuminated display over the water at James Island County Park’s Holiday Festival of Lights. Learn about Charleston’s holiday past with visits to the city’s historic homes, such as this piece of Christmas trivia you probably didn’t know:The poinsettia is named for a Charlestonian, Joel Roberts Poinsett, who brought back the Flor de Noche Buena (“Christmas Eve flower”) from Mexico in the early 19th century. Guests can also listen to traditional African American Spirituals Concerts at Drayton Hall, and Gullah Christmas stories at Edmonston-Alston House.
Stay in one of the city’s many charming historic hotels that are beautifully decked out for the holidays, such as the grand Francis Marion Hotel, which dates from 1924. The location in Charleston’s historic district can’t be beaten, and the gorgeous interiors of the hotel are jaw-dropping at Christmastime.
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Sioux Falls, South Dakota
最適な用途: Waterfall chasers
Gorgeous waterfalls of tumbling icy water in the Big Sioux River illuminated by over 355,000 colored lights is the highlight of the Christmas season in Falls Park—a Winter Wonderland fit for Santa himself. But that’s not all the city has to offer:Downtown Sioux Falls also gets the holiday decorating treatment with a Parade of Lights and tree lighting, the town’s thriving entertainment scene offers holiday musical and stage performances. There are plenty of outdoor winter activities in the area as well, including skiing, snow tubing, snowshoeing, and ice skating.
A stay downtown at Hotel on Phillips allows visitors to walk to many area holiday attractions, bars, and restaurants and offers amazing views over the river. The hotel, which features an art deco style, plays up the building’s history as an early 1900s bank with the original 16-ton vault door as the entrance to the lounge.
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Woodstock, Vermont
Best for :A classic country Christmas
Covered bridges, rolling farmland, horse-drawn sleigh rides, charming country inns…Vermont and Christmas go hand-in-hand. The quaint town of Woodstock hosts a Wassail Weekend, a feast for the senses with holiday lights, the sound of bells from horse-drawn wagons, decorated homes, music, and hot cider and donuts. The celebrations continue during the festive Christmas at the Farm event at the rural history museum Billings Farm, with candle dipping, holiday stories, cooking demonstrations, sleigh rides, and snowshoe trekking.
Right outside the town, the Jackson House Inn presents a refined historical inn that looks wonderful dressed up for Christmas—especially when snow-covered. Classically elegant rooms feature fireplaces and four-poster beds.
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Williamsburg, Virginia
最適な用途: Colonial Christmas traditions
Historic Colonial Williamsburg observes Christmas as our forefathers did, with tours, stories, and strolling costumed performers among the decorated buildings of this living history museum. The Grand Illumination lights up the sky with fireworks displays; other events feature candles, a bonfire, caroling, and fife and drum music. For more old-fashioned holiday celebrations, visit other colonial towns in the Greater Williamsburg area including Jamestown and Yorktown; for modern revelries, check out Busch Gardens’ Christmas Town events.
Immerse yourself in 18th-century life with an experiential stay in your own private cottage in the Colonial Houses of Colonial Williamsburg. Settle down by the fire in the evening, or stroll along the historic, holiday-decorated streets after the crowds have left.
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Lewisburg, West Virginia
Best for :Theater and classical music performances
Named one of the “coolest small towns” in America, Lewisburg’s downtown is even more delightful decorated for Christmas, kicking off with its Holiday Festival, with live music, food, carriage rides, and beautiful holiday decorations. The town also has a thriving arts scene, so visitors can check out seasonal performances at the Greenbrier Valley Theatre and Carnegie Hall (one of four venues established by steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie that are still in use as a theater today; another is in New York City). More Christmas revelry awaits at The Greenbrier resort, including musical events, storytime with Santa, and holiday dinner parties.
A stay at The Greenbrier may be pricey, but try the more affordable historic property The General Lewis Inn. Just a couple of blocks from downtown, this 1834 mansion also features a farm-to-table restaurant.
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Cedarburg, Wisconsin
最適な用途: Families
If you’re looking for fun Christmas activities to do for a fun holiday season, try searching for a visit to a “Christmas village near me” like the endearing Cedarburg. This cute town gets the twinkle lights treatment at holiday time, with specialty shops and eateries looking more inviting than ever. On Festive Friday Eves, luminaries line the streets and revelers can enjoy music, entertainment, wine and food tasting, free trolley rides, and an outdoor cookout. Children of all ages can stop also by the pint-sized “gingerbread” Santa’s Workshop, and enjoy a drive-through holiday light show.
There are a couple of sophisticated B&Bs in Cedarburg itself, but if you’re coming with the family, stay at the Chalet Motel of Mequon down the road. Simple yet clean and comfortable, the rate can’t be beat.
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Ogunquit, Maine
最適な用途: New England beach lovers
This quiet fishing village gets lively at holiday time with its annual Christmas by the Sea festival. In addition to dressing up the boutiques of downtown, the residents take to the beach to celebrate at Perkins Cove. In true Maine style, be sure to sample chowder at the Taste the Season event; a bonfire, caroling, hay rides, tree lighting, storytelling, ornament making, and craft shows are also part of the fun. The town has also been known to make Christmas trees out of lobster traps!
Ogunquit has many lovely inns, but the Anchorage by the Sea one stands out for its phenomenal oceanfront location, just a short walk into downtown for all the Christmas activities. Ask for a room with a view to take full advantage of the setting.